As You Like It
Two Pence Theatre Company, Chicago
set and puppets by Dan Stratton
costumes by Izumi Inaba
lights by Jessica Carson
sound and music composition by Miles Polaski
violence by Missy Styles
photos by Ben Chandlercostumes by Izumi Inaba
lights by Jessica Carson
sound and music composition by Miles Polaski
violence by Missy Styles
"Director Kathryn Walsh beautifully balances the playfulness, sadness, and ultimate hopefulness of Shakespeare's pastoral comedy about nobles who flee a wicked court and find happiness in the forest of Arden. This Two Pence Shakespeare production has a storybook look, with large sheets of brown paper representing trees and Izumi Inaba's fanciful costumes blending dandyism and Dogpatch. The mood is rompish when it needs to be, but Walsh offsets the whimsy with an undercurrent of melancholy, as if to point out the precariousness of happiness. Nowhere is the strategy put to better use than in Kate LoConti's performance as Rosalind. LoConti finds both pathos and glee in the role."
--Zac Thompson, Chicago Reader
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